Tonight....I sit my kids down and tell them that Daddy is going to live in a new house. They have been asking why I am crying and where Daddy is.....I had to draw them a picture yesterday that I retrieved from Fisher Price on how households change. Ironic....
30 years ago I was in the same position. My daughters age. My Mom called a family meeting and I was wearing a red shirt and sitting on the arm of the "every 80's household" brown plaid couch, my brother and sister fought for the middle cushion....."Daddy is going to live in a new house....he will see you all the time and we both love you."
Me: "Will he ever come back?" I watched my brother and sister sob.....I didn't sob....I was too young....I didn't understand.
Wish my husband understood the mark this will make on them and that they will never forget. He has never had the experience if the "talk". For that I am jealous.
I know things will get better....I am sure of that....but today, I want to dwell and be gray. However, I am not afforded that luxury. I HAVE to make them understand. I have to build up strength through the day to let them know it will be alright.....even though it will never be the same~
I cannot even imagine how hard this is for you and the kids, but I know you will make it through this. You've raised two wonderful children who are bright and hilarious :) I know things might seem dark now, but there is a little ray of light and I really think its the kids.