Monday, August 15, 2011

Kicked it into semi-high gear...

Fueled by sleep, huh, what is that? I removed the 8 lbs. of dog hair and dust from my house and have done laundry and shopping all day. I bought Giant Eagle out of school food with a little devil on my shoulder saying....don't pack her ultra healthy lunches like Mari would have done. She doesn't like bologna, with her initials in mustard on it ....just like I never did! She won't be fat, she won't, no matter what she eats!

Couldn't find the muster to mow....but, hey there's always tomorrow and the grass is going to keep growing, even if I procrastinate.

Tonight I go hug my family that lost their dear mother, grandmother and friend. This lady had one of the best cackling laughs I have heard in my young 36 years and was the matriarch of a wonderful pile of goons. She had a spark and lived her 90 years with fervor and fire!

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